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There was nothing else that fit more accordingly with my all of my symptoms.

I went to my doctor requesting blood work. When my blood work came back “fine” I was shocked. I was given several vague reasons that I could be experiencing my symptoms, and to be honest, was made to feel like I was overreacting or that the symptoms weren’t really as bad as I was conveying them to be.

🤔 Have you ever experienced that?

It turned out that ONLY my TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone was tested.

Hashimotos is an autoimmune condition in which your antibodies mistakenly attack your thyroid gland (~90% of Hypothyroidism is Hashimotos Thyroiditis - a specific branch of hypothyroidism). In order to definitively diagnosis Hashimotos, you need to test for the antibodies that are mistakenly attacking the thyroid; TPO AB Thyroid Peroxidase and TGB AB Thyroglobulin.

YES your TSH levels can be within ‘normal’ parameters and you can still have Hashimotos.

I knew I needed to source outside of conventional medicine to get the answers I was looking for.

I made an appointment with a naturopathic doctor who had a ‘special interest’ in autoimmune conditions. She sent me for a 🩸 panel which included:

✅Thyroglobulin AB

✅Thyroid peroxidase



✅Reverse T3

✅Reverse T4


When the 🩸 work came back, It showed that I did in fact have Hashimot’s thyroiditis. I had antibodies attacking my thyroid.

Conventional medicine is amazing for a LOT of things. BUT, it’s important to understand the system and to know that there are other avenues you can take when you find yourself ‘hitting a wall’.

The journey can be challenging, but get into a wellness support system/group, trust your gut and keep believing in yourself✌️.


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Windsor Wellness Studio
B.C., Canada

© 2017 Shannon Windsor

The information provided on this website, by Shannon Windsor, or through the Windsor Wellness Studio is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician, or psychologist and is not intended to serve as medical or psychological advice. Nothing stated or posted on this website or available through any services offered by Shannon Windsor are intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medicine or psychology. No permission is granted to use the information in any way except to enhance the reader's own personal knowledge. Information is intended for the reader's personal use only. While Shannon Windsor & the Windsor Wellness Studio uses reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, no warranties or representations are made as to the accuracy, validity, or reliability of any information which may be presented. No responsibility is assumed for any errors or omissions in the content of this website. Shannon Windsor & the Windsor Wellness Studio suggests that the reader do their own research and consult directly with their personal medical professional. Statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No products are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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