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Services and Pricing

Available for local and distant training

Peak Performance Package $885.00 Cdn+tax

Obtain the freedom to train your brain as often as you like according to your personal schedule. This bundle is designed to get you set up with everything you need for our Neurofeedback Brain Training including your personal Neuro kit and first month of personalized brain training. The following is included in this bundle:

  • One Headband EEG Reader device

  • One External Electrode with Paste

  • One MyndLyft App one-month subscription

  • Unlimited training sessions for one month

  • Complete Brain Mapping with report

  • Personalized brain training program and protocol for one month created by experts.

  • Weekly check-in calls  with guidance and monitoring sessions 

  • Weekly Tracking System of desired goals &/or symptoms. (Track your Progress).

The headband device is a portable, highly integrated device for peak performance training of the brain using Neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback) technology. It is intended for personal use by adults and youth. It supports use of the brain's full potential in your work and your private life. It also enables the user to considerably mitigate and decrease overall stress. The product takes advantage of advanced technology of digital processing of the brain's electrical activity (EEG). This portable device defines a new advantage in price relation for home training.

Quantum Entanglement
$1,185.00 Cdn+tax

 Save  $40 with package vs individual monthly purchase

Take your brain to the next level with your customized three-month brain training program. This bundle is designed to get you set up with everything you need for our neurofeedback brain training including your Neuro kit and three months of personalized brain training. The following is included in this bundle:

  • One Headband EEG Reader device

  • One External Electrode with Paste

  • Three-month subscription to the MyndLyft App

  • Unlimited training sessions for three months

  • Personalized brain training program and protocol(s) for three months created by experts.

  • Weekly guidance and monitoring sessions and protocols by an expert.

  • Weekly Tracking System of desired goals &/or symptoms. (Track your Progress)

   * Option for dual training programs (run two personalized programs) to take your brain to the next level.

   * Complete Brain Mapping with a custom report (New brain mapping and full assessment every month).

The Quantum Leap

Best Deal - Save $100 with package vs individual monthly purchase

Heading 2

This mind-blowing package is designed for individuals looking to enhance peak performance in one or more areas of their lives. This package offers multi-protocol training over the course of six months, customized to your personal goals.

The following is included in this bundle:

  • One Headband EEG Reader device

  • One External Electrode with Paste

  • Six-month subscription to the MyndLyft App

  • Unlimited training sessions for six months (with the option of multiple protocols). 

  • Personalized brain training program(s) (option for multiple protocols to optimize peak performance over six months designed and refined by top experts).

  • Weekly consults with guidance and monitoring of sessions.

  • Weekly Tracking System of desired goals &/or symptoms (track your progress).

  • Complete Brain Mapping with a custom report (New brain mapping and full assessment every month).

Brain Mapping Only 
90-minute session

Have you ever wondered what's going on inside your brain?
Here's your chance to see it in real-time! 
This session includes a full EEG assessment and brain mapping with report.

* This option is available for local clients or distant clients who have purchased the full Myndlift kit with headband, electrode, and conduction paste. Neuro Kit is not required for local studio appointments, as it will be provided with brain mapping service. 

Still have questions?

Please click the link below to schedule a complementary 1:1 call or email me at

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  • YouTube

Windsor Wellness Studio
B.C., Canada

© 2017 Shannon Windsor

The information provided on this website, by Shannon Windsor, or through the Windsor Wellness Studio is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician, or psychologist and is not intended to serve as medical or psychological advice. Nothing stated or posted on this website or available through any services offered by Shannon Windsor are intended to be, and must not be taken to be, the practice of medicine or psychology. No permission is granted to use the information in any way except to enhance the reader's own personal knowledge. Information is intended for the reader's personal use only. While Shannon Windsor & the Windsor Wellness Studio uses reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, no warranties or representations are made as to the accuracy, validity, or reliability of any information which may be presented. No responsibility is assumed for any errors or omissions in the content of this website. Shannon Windsor & the Windsor Wellness Studio suggests that the reader do their own research and consult directly with their personal medical professional. Statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No products are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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