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Peak Performance

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The Demand for Neurofeedback

The demand for Neurofeedback has been increasing over the last decade. With the technological advances in home Neurofeedback, this demand has been met.


Top professional athletes, CEO's, entrepreneurs and organizations have been utilizing Neurofeedback to enhance their overall performance.

Top performers who are proponents of utilizing Neurofeedback technology include: 

Tony Robbins, Def Leppard's Drummer Rick Allen and Dave Asprey, known as the 'Father of Biohacking.'

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NASA Astronauts, and The Canadian Olympic Ski team (helping Canada win the most gold medals of any country in the 2021 Winter Olympics), the Canadian men's speed skating team trained with Neurofeedback and Biofeedback to achieve their peak performance for the 2010 Olympic Games. The Italian soccer team credit their win of the 2006 World Cup to their Neurofeedback and Biofeedback training, while the Canadian Vancouver Canucks NHL hockey team turned to the similar training in their 2011 race for the Stanley Cup.

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Individually, professional athletes have been seeking to improve their performance using Neurofeedback, including Lucas Giolito of the Chicago White Sox and Chris Kaman of the LA Clippers. Beach Volleyball Gold medalist, Kerri Walsh Jennings started her Neurofeedback training back in 2012 in search of an extra edge to enhance her performance, while the Sixers' NBA star Tobias Harris has a routine of doing his Neurofeedback sessions at home for 45 minutes a day.

Groups and organizations utilizing Neurofeedback training

• Canadian National Olympic Sports Centers

• Formula 1 (F1 Teams)

US Special Forces and Navy Seals training

• Human Performance Institute, Australian Special Forces

• West Point Military Academy

• United States Army’s Centers for Enhanced Performance

• The Pro golf circuit

• NASA astronaut training center

• United States Olympic Training Center

• Norwegian Olympic Training Center

• Singapore Olympic Sports Council

• Wingate Institute of Sports & Physical Education, Israel

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Windsor Wellness Studio
B.C., Canada

© 2017 Shannon Windsor

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